Sunday, February 24, 2008

zipping and zooming.. 6 in the morning

so as im going through i apologize for all the photos of tim, it makes it look kinda gaY?!

but whatever.. he was visiting from SD so i wanted him to have pictures to show his grand kids or whatever.. this is where it gets crazy.. we got home at like 3?! give or take after getting kicked out of a cab in the middle of bernal heights?! for no apparent reason.. and then i had to drive tim the SFO airport at 6 for a 7 oclock flight to New york for him to meet up with kayne west..

the life that is lived..
im pretty sure that this what being drunk still, looks like.. its 6 in the morning..

6 in the fucking MORNING! and its raining.. HARD

will i stay awake?!
did i mention we where up till 3?! and its now 6..

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